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The Walking Dead Michonne -Episode1- CODEX

Parents want to know that The Walking Dead: Michonne is really a downloadable episodic adventure game, spun removed from the popular The Walking Dead comic strip series. The game features intense scenes of violence, with characters killing zombies via hacking, slashing, besides other forms of dismemberment. There's also violence against other humans, including scenes of an individual getting shot or a potential suicide attempt with the main character. It's important to be aware that many of these would be the result of active decisions depending on the choices of the ball player. There's also frequent usage of profanity throughout from the dialogue and many situations and dialogue with sexual overtones. Gameplay can also be based on quest for and reactions to on-screen prompts, as well as the most part, players have lots of time to respond during action sequences.


One thing Telltale's episodic games would be best known for could be the stories. It's never about getting the fastest reflexes or simply a keen feeling of deduction. It's about making tough choices and seeing the aftermaths of those decisions enjoy in a deeply involved plot. In The Walking Dead: Michonne, that formula winds up being a double-edged sword. For fans of The Walking Dead, it is a unique chance to explore among the series' most in-demand characters, learning more about her history, entering some gaps in the comics, and seeing her interact within a new setting with new characters.

Michonne can be a strong character, and it's really great to see her grab the spotlight for some time. The problem is that particular Telltale game series is just three episodes long. Plus, unlike previous games, fans already know just that Michonne can become returning to her original group by the end. Knowing this, you don't ever feel any attachment to the of the other characters, and it finally ends up taking a large amount of weight out with the decisions you're making. That's not to state The Walking Dead: Michonne can be a bad story; it is just hard to get dedicated to something that appears like little more than filler.

Families can speak about

  • Families can speak about violence in games. How acceptable could be the violence within this game considering this is determined by a graphic novel that's very brutal in showing people getting killed from the undead? Is it OK simply because this situation is blatantly unrealistic?
  • Talk about decision-making. What are considerations to consider when facing difficult decisions? What will be the consequences of not thinking things through?
  • Discuss disaster preparedness. While a zombie outbreak isn't likely, what exactly are some disasters that may happen, and what plans if your family should in place to handle them?


Platfrom: PC

Developer: Telltale Games
Release date: February 23, 2016
Genre: Adventure
Topics: Adventures, Misfits and underdogs, Monsters, ghosts, and vampires
ESRB rating: M for Intense Violence, Blood and Gore, Sexual Themes, Strong Language

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